Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

Profil Perusahaan Untuk Penulisan Ilmiah

CV profile Arema Group

CV office location. Arema Group currently located at Jl. Wijaya Kusuma VI Block C - 31 No. 5 cottage Tanah Mas, Wanasari, Cibitung. While the base address located at Jl. Raya Teuku Umar No. 2, West Cikarang, Bekasi.

CV History Arema Group

CV. Arema Group is a private company engaged in the field of courier services. Founded by Bp. Sutanto H. and his wife Mrs. Hj. Rubiah. Bp. H. Sutanto is an army that come from the city of Malang, East Java. Starting from the work permit submitted to his superiors in 1990 to conduct business, at the time, Bp. H. Sutanto buy papaya one cold diesel from Malang to be sold to the fruit markets sejabodetabek. Good business, so he was able to buy a papaya in a day to tens of diesel cold. Enterprises growing from the sale of papaya makes Bp. H. Sutanto expand its business to ship goods by submitting proposals to the company - another company, with his guidance, Bp. Sutanto H. managed to serve multiple companies.

The first entry is the company PT. Print Color Indonesia in Cikarang, PT. Kao Indonesia Chemical in Tambun, PT. Main Niramas in Tambun and others - others. Because it is considered to be able to become a legal entity, then Bp. H. Sutanto report his business to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to make Liability Company (CV). In accordance with the Notarial Deed Durachman, SH on 20 November 2001 No. 7 the business officially became a CV with CV name. Arema Group. Arema Group means the group of people unfortunate because at that time the car - a car that is under the auspices of the CV. Arema Group is still a car in East Java, especially Malang. Name CV. Arema Group began many well known companies - companies and also the driver - the driver is looking for a charge. With locations in addition to the Main Market Cibitung, namely the Road bosih No. 5 is still a room of the plot, CV. Arema Group began mengepakan wings so that they can buy their own diesel cold and bases for parking the truck - truck.
Until now CV. Arema Group has had a privately owned truck fleet by 30 units and 685 units incorporated in the CV. Arema Group and the number of employees staff of 10 people as well as companies - companies that become permanent customers as many as 35 companies located in Greater Jakarta.

Vision and Mission CV Arema Group


We cater to demand for transportation service, we keep your items or products such as goods or products belonging to our own.


We treat customers as partners. When they run into a problem we also feel the issue. This is why we see our customers as partners, and key to this is to give satisfaction to all customers.